The following is a viewpoint I wrote for my American National Government class. I was inspired by (and quote throughout this article) a great video G-Love sent me on YouTube. I just elaborate on many of the points made in this movie. Enjoy!
Read your world history: not one nation has survived as a multiculture. I may never understand why people in this country just can’t comprehend that it is the uniculture that is our strength. I am growing tired of watching people in this country crying out for the celebration of diversity. This so-called ‘diversity’ will pull America apart from the inside out in a way that no terrorist attack ever could. America has been referred to in the past as the great melting-pot because it is made up of so many different ethnicities and backgrounds. As American citizens, our ancestors come from all over the world, from many different cultures, religions, and political ideals. Supposedly, celebrating all these differences between us is going to raise awareness of other cultures and somehow bring us closer together as a nation. WRONG.
I understand that we need to be respectful of other cultures. Of course. I just don’t understand how we as a nation, are going to become more united by celebrating all the many things that make us different. Where is the logic? If we want to become more united, we need to stop focusing on our differences and start celebrating the things that we have in common, ie: nationalism to the great country in which we now live: America.
In order to solve this problem we need to unite ourselves in every way we possibly can. One country, one culture, and one language. An overwhelming majority of American citizens (84%, to be exact) favor making English the official language of the United States of America. Why is this majority being consistently ignored? Why do I still have to “press 1 for English”?
Language is so very important to any successful society. We have to stop accommodating those who refuse to learn how to speak English. It is a fact: you cannot succeed globally without first learning English. Nations around the world are aware of this fact: why do we not hold our own country to this higher standard? I believe we make it too easy for immigrants to get away with speaking their own language. I don’t think this is fair. We don’t go to Germany and expect their citizens to learn English to accommodate us because we don’t want to learn German. Likewise, Mexican immigrants cannot come to America and expect us to learn Spanish because they don’t want to learn English. It’s just not right. But, for the sake of being ‘politically correct’ and in the name of diversity, it seems like we sometimes bend over backwards to accommodate them, despite the fact that having two languages is clearly splitting our country apart.
“Why should we adopt diversity when the very word means disunity? America was a country founded on similarities, not diversities. We cry out for unity, but keep identifying ourselves by our ethnicities, instead of our nationalism. Black-American, Mexican-American, White-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American. I believe that if it is unity we desire, then the time has come for us to cut out the hyphen and once again become just AMERICANS.”